Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of adeiInternals

csa (IP:
08/06/10 16:09:13 (14 years ago)



  • adeiInternals

    v12 v13  
    2828 * Optionally, if additional parameters, like ''target'' for multi-task services, should be passed to the service, special update service should be created in ''services/update/'' directory ([wiki:adeiNewModule see details]) 
    2929 * The module should be registered in ''$MODULES'' variable in the configuration file ''config.php''. Be careful, some of the global configuration options specified in the config.php located in the root folder of ADEI installation may be overriden in setups by setup-specific configuration file. 
     31== Providing Additional Control Tab == 
     32This section describes how to extend left sidebar with additional control tabs.  
     33 * As with additional pages, the new control tab should be created in the modules directory following the [wiki:adeiNewModule guidelines]. It should define ''module_title'' variable and ''moduleJS'', ''modulePage'' functions (the name of tab should be used instead of ''module'' prefix).  
     34 * The ''modulePage'' should provide HTML markup and ''moduleJS'' attach JavaScript handlers to set ADEI variables and, hence, control ADEI engine. The global variable ''adei'' should be used to access ADEI functionality.  
     35  * The ''SELECT'' class provides useful interface to generate cascading select controls. 
     36  * Like with pages, the [wiki:adeiNewModule XML Module] can be used to fill control context. 
     37 * In certain cases the care on resizing should be taken. The following function registering callbacks can be useful: ''adei.popup.RegisterOnCallback'', ''adei.popup.RegisterOffCallback'', ''adei.popup.RegisterReHeightCallback'', ''adei.popup.RegisterReWidthCallback'', ''control_modules''.RegisterCallback'', and some others. For examples, take a look on ''virtual.php'' and ''source.php'' in the modules folder. 
     38 * Finally, the module should be enabled. Just add the control name into the $CONTROLS variable in the configuration. The '''false''' value in array will enforce starting of a new line of controls. 
     40Implementing context dependent control. It is possible to track if the control is currently on display or not using mentioned before functions: 'adei.popup.RegisterOnCallback'', ''adei.popup.RegisterOffCallback'', ''control_modules''.RegisterCallback''. Example is available in ''source.php''. The ''adei.config.GetModule()'' function will return currently opened page. The page change notification callback can be requested using ''adei.module.RegisterCallback'' function.