Changes between Version 33 and Version 34 of adei2Projects

rakch (IP:
04/10/14 14:40:49 (11 years ago)



  • adei2Projects

    v33 v34  
    6969  * The lack of cache levels in database - result is medium performance 
    7070  * Performance on firefox is very low, because of missing background caching 
    71   * Frequent requests to the ADEI services for getting datalevels and table name decrease the performance on very low level  
     71  * Need to be tested server on C, and if somebody have a little bit free time, just see on this part of code -> , it works, but I don't think that it will work stable. 
     72  * (done)Frequent requests to the ADEI services for getting datalevels and table name decrease the performance on very low level  
    7273 * Tasks   
    73   * Develop websockets on C with binary data 
    74   * Compare websockets on php and on c 
    75   * Add service to ADEI for getting all existing datagroups, as result getting all configuration information about each one. 
     74  * (done)Develop websockets on C with binary data 
     75  * (done)Compare websockets on php and on c 
     76  * (done)Add service to ADEI for getting all existing datagroups, as result getting all configuration information about each one. 
     77  * Debug work with websockets 
     78  * Add caching right and left data, outside of user view. 
    7679  * Add aggregation of points inside data cacher, to compensate lack of data levels in database. 
    7780 * Required configuration changes   
    7881  * Add more cache levels in database   
    7982  * Install OpenSSL (For Websockets on C) 
    80   * [ Install mysql connector for C] 
     83  * Install levent_pthreads 
     84  * [ Install websocket C library] 
     85  * [ Install mysql connector for C]  
    8186 * [wiki:devWebSQL Documentation]