== JS Libraries & Frameworks == * [http://jquery.com/ jQuery] (MIT) * [http://rightjs.org/ RightJS] (MIT) * [http://prototypejs.org/ Prototype] + [http://script.aculo.us/ Sciptaculous] (MIT) * [http://dhtmlx.com/ DHTMLX] (GPL) * [http://www.sencha.com/products/extjs/ ExtJS Framework] + [http://www.sencha.com/products/touch Sencha Touch] (GPL3) * [https://github.com/sogimu/Gizmo.git Gizmo] * [https://github.com/dataarts/dat.gui Dat.GUI - A lightweight graphical user interface for changing variables in JavaScript] * [https://qunitjs.com/ QUnit - A test framework] * [http://ionden.com/a/plugins/ion.rangeSlider/en.html Ion.RangeSlider - A jQuery range slider with skin support] * [https://jqueryui.com/ JQuery UI] == HTML5 CMS/WiKi == * [http://www.tiddlytools.com/ Tiddly Tools] * Alternatively we can use a fast static one with JS wrapper. == HTML5 Charting Libraries == * [http://www.rgraph.net/ RGraph] (Creative Commons Attribution) * [http://www.highcharts.com/ HighCharts] (Creative Commons Attribution) * [http://www.amcharts.com/ amCharts] (Commercial) * [http://www.flotcharts.org/ FlotCharts for jQuery] * [http://www.jqplot.com/ jqPlot] (jQuery plugin) * [http://sixrevisions.com/javascript/20-fresh-javascript-data-visualization-libraries/ More] == WebGL == * [http://scenejs.com/ SceneJS] * [https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/ ThreeJS] == WebCL == * [http://webcl.nokiaresearch.com/ Nokia implementation for Firefox] * [http://code.google.com/p/webcl/ Samsung implementation for Webkit] == Utils == * [https://github.com/jsdoc3/jsdoc Utile for making code-documentations from jsDoc comments] * [https://github.com/sogimu/Closure-compiler.git Closure compiler]